More About the NWD Network

Welcome to the More About the No Wrong Door (NWD) Network Page

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Why the NWD Network?
Before beginning the development of the NWD Network, Hawaii’s Governor’s Office of Healthcare Transformation and the Executive Office on Aging (EOA) applied for a grant from the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to analyze and develop plans for integrating systems and processes for accessing long term services and supports (LTSS).   ACL has recognized growing national concern about individuals requiring services provided by multiple agencies to have to contact each agency independently to learn more about and gain access to services offered. The national No Wrong Door (NWD) initiative is intended to make this information and access process less burdensome. 

Currently in Hawaii, each agency offering LTSS maintains separate processes for informing individuals about LTSS options and determining who is eligible for services.  The lack of coordination among systems is challenging for individuals who may potentially benefit from services offered by more than one agency or those who are not sure which agency is best able to meet their needs.  

How the NWD Network was Conceived
In 2014, Hawaii was awarded the one-year planning grant from the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to develop a plan and vision for how the NWD Network would be implemented in Hawaii. The purpose of the planning effort were to:
  • Develop mechanisms to make it easier for people of all ages, disabilities and income levels to learn about and access the services and supports they needed
  • Break down silos to better coordinate and integrate the multiple access functions associated with various state administered programs that pay for long term services and supports 
  • Develop a 3-year plan that includes a detailed strategy and work plan
As a result of this planning effort, EOA applied for and were awarded a highly competitive ACL grant that will fund the implementation of the NWD Network. A central component of this grant application was the development of a project narrative that 1) Proposed goals, objectives, and outcomes of Hawaii’s NWD Network; 2) Discussed sustainability and quality improvement for the program, and; 3) Provided information about additional core components of the plan. 

The Project Summary that was developed can be found here. The full Project Narrative can be found here.

Feel free to contact Andrew Cieslinski of HCBS Strategies Inc. directly at or 734-431-4977 with any additional comments or questions.

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