Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Welcome to the Hawaii Executive Office on Aging No Wrong Door Website

To listen to an accessible audio recording of the contents of this page, click here.

Hawaii’s Executive Office on Aging (EOA) is leading a statewide initiative to make it easier to access long term services and supports (LTSS) for individuals with disabilities and chronic conditions. The No Wrong Door (NWD) Network, which includes State and local agencies that oversee LTSS, will make sure that individuals with LTSS needs and their family members receive the right information regardless of which agency they first contact. 

This effort will help coordinate access and referral processes for major “Doors” to LTSS:
  • Adult Mental Health Division (AMHD);
  • Developmental Disabilities Division (DDD);
  • Med-QUEST (MQD);
  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR);
  • Office of Veterans' Services (OVS) and Veterans Health Administration (VHA); and
  • The Executive Office of Aging (EOA) and the county Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) that operate the Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs). 
This planning effort will result in a 3-year plan for implementing the NWD Network that will help make sure that:
  • LTSS Doors make referrals to other Doors appropriately
  • Staff at each of the LTSS Doors understand what services and supports other Doors offer
  • Access to LTSS is as simple as possible
  • The Doors have clear ways to work together to manage and improve systems
  • Individuals in need of LTSS, their family members, and other stakeholders have input into how the Doors operate
To learn more about the effort, visit the More About the NWD Network page. 

Stakeholder Involvement 
EOA recognizes that stakeholder feedback and buy-in is a key component of this work. As a result, the NWD Network has formed an Advisory Committee that provides feedback about the planning and implementation phases of the effort. This Committee is comprised of: 
  • Individuals with disabilities, older adults, and their families
  • NWD Doors- These are public agencies that operate and/or oversee access points for publicly-funded LTSS
  • NWD PartnersInclude organizations that 1) may make and/or receive referrals from NWD Doors; 2) provide supports to; 3) and/or advocate for older adults and/or individuals with disabilities stakeholders
This website helps support this process by providing a place where all meeting notices, presentation materials, and notes from stakeholder meetings will be made publicly available. Stakeholders will be able to provide feedback directly on the blog via the comments boxes, or by emailing 

To view materials available for review, visit the Stakeholder Materials page. To view meeting information, visit the Next Meeting Information page. 

Feel free to contact Andrew Cieslinski of HCBS Strategies Inc. directly at or 734-431-4977 with any additional comments or questions.